Welcome to simtes
SIMTES stands for simulation of technical systems and sees its mission as a service provider - specifically for companies in the rail vehicle industry. Our expertise lies in the field of technical simulation and the support of vehicle proofs for approval and certification.
The focus of our services is the simulation of rail vehicles, in particular multi-body simulation combined with strength analysis, in order to optimize the design and function of your products in the context of approval-relevant issues.
We also pass on our know-how to our customers in the form of training and seminars. A further field of activity is the preparation of expert assessments as an EBA-recognized expert for vehicles with a focus on proof of aerodynamics and crosswind.
Due to the cooperation with partners from industry, science and authorities a competent handling of even very demanding tasks is guaranteed. Our goal is a long-term cooperation with our customers in order to achieve an optimal performance regarding price and benefit.